NPTEL Problem Solving Trough Programming In C | NPTEL Week 8 Programming Assignment | NPTEL Assignment Solutions

NPTEL Problem Solving Trough Programming In C Week 8 Programming Assignment | NPTEL Swayam Assignment Answers

nptel problem solving through programming in c

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Nptel Week 8 Programming Assignment Answers:

Q.1: Write a C Program to find HCF of 4 given numbers using recursive function

write a C program to find HCF of 4 given numbers using recursive function


Q.2: Write a C Program to print Binary Equivalent of an Integer using Recursion

write a C program to print binary equivalent of an integer using recursion


Q.3: Write a program to calculate the sum of given series
write a program to calculate the sum of given series


Q.4: Write a program to express a given integer as a Sum of Two Prime Numbers
For example if the number is 10
The result will be
10 = 3 + 7
10 = 5 + 5

write a program to express a given integer as a sum of two prime numbers


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