NPTEL Problem Solving Through Programming in C | NPTEL Week 7 Quiz Assignment | NPTEL Assignment Solutions

NPTEL Problem Solving Through Programming in C Week 7 Quiz Assignment | NPTEL Swayam Assignment Answers

problem solving through programming in C nptel

MCQs (multiple choice questions) Nptel Week 7 Quiz Answers:

Q.1: Which of the following statement/s are false?
    I. Array elements are stored in memory in contiguous locations.
    II. An integer array always terminates with '\0' (NULL).

Options are:

 a) I
 b) II
 c) Both I and II
 d) None

Answer is: (b) II

Q.2: If two strings are identical, then strcmp() function returns. Options are:

 a) 1
 b) 0
 c) -1
 d) None of these

Answer is: (b) 0 

Q.3: Which of the following function is more appropriate for reading in a multi word string? 

(a) scanf()
(b) gets()
(c) printf()
(d) puts()

Options are: 

 a) Option (a)
 b) Option (b)
 c) Option (c)
 d) Option (d)

Answer is: (b) Option (b) 

Q.4: What will be printed after execution of the following code?

int main()
int a[20] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60}; 
printf("%d", 3[a]);
return 0;

Answer is: 40

Q.5: What will be the output of the program ?

int main()
char str[] = "Array\0String";
printf("%s", str);
return 0;

Options are:

 a) Array
 b) Array String
 c) Array\0String
 d) Compilation error

Answer is: (a) Array

Q.6: What will be the output ?

int main()
char str1[20] = "Programming", str2[20] = "Language";
return 0;

Options are:

 a) Programming
 b) Language
 c) ProgrammingLanguage
 d) LanguageProgramming

Answer is: (c) ProgrammingLanguage 

Q.7: What will be the output?

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char str1[] = "I-LOVE-C";
char str2[] = {'I', '-', 'L', 'O', 'V', 'E', '-', 'C'};
int n1 = sizeof(str1)/sizeof(str1[0]);
int n2 = sizeof(str2)/sizeof(str2[0]);
printf("n1=%d, n2=%d", nl, n2); 
return 0;

Options are:

 a) n1= 8, n2=8
 b) n1=9, n2=9
 c) n1=8, n2=9
 d) n1=9, n2=8

Answer is: (d) n1=9, n2=8

Q.8: What will be the output?

#include <stdio.h> 
int main()
int i, m=1, num[6] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
for(i=0; i<=5; i++) 
printf("%d", m);
return 0;

Answer is: 720

Q.9: What will be the output?

int main()
char p[]="assignment";
char t;
int i,j;
for(i=0,j=strlen(p); i<j; i++)
  p[i] = p[j-i];
  p[j-i] = t;
printf("%s", p); 
return 0;

Options are: 

 a) assignment
 b) tnemngissa
 c) nothing will be printed
 d) tttttttttt

Answer is: (c) nothing will be printed

Q.10: What will be the output?

int main()
char p[] = "welcome", q[]="welcome";
printf("Two strings are equal");
return 0;

Options are:

 a) Two strings are equal
 b) Two strings are not equal
 c) Would not print anything
 d) Compilation error

Answer is: (c) Would not print anything

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