The Joy Of Computing Using Python Week 12 Quiz Answers | NPTEL Week 12 Quiz Assignment | NPTEL Assignment Solutions

NPTEL The Joy Of Computing Using Python Week 12 Quiz Assignment | NPTEL Swayam Assignment Answers 

the joy of computing using python week 12 quiz answers

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MCQs (multiple choice questions) Nptel Week 12 Quiz Answers:

Q.1: State True or False:

The number of people referring a person matters over who is referring a person. Options are:

(a) True
(b) False

Answer is: (b) False

Q.2: Which of the following is true about page rank? Options are:

(a) Websites are nodes and hyperlinks in websites are edges.
(b) Hyperlinks in websites are nodes and websites are edges.
(c) Websites will work as nodes and edges.
(d) Hyperlinks will work as nodes and edges.

Answer is: (a) Websites are nodes and hyperlinks in websites are edges.

Q.3: What is a drunkard’s walk? Options are:

(a) Strategised walking
(b) Walking one step at a time.
(c) Random walking
(d) Zig zag walking

Answer is: (c) Random walking

Q.4: Given a set of networks, which node in that network is considered as most impressive? Options are:

(a) Node with maximum incoming edges.
(b) Node with maximum visits.
(c) Node with minimum incoming edges.
(d) Node with minimum visits.

Answer is: (b) Node with maximum visits.

Q.5: What will be the G.out_degree(8) for the following graph(G)? 

what will be the G.out_degree(8) for the following graph(G)

Options are:

(a) 0
(b) 5
(c) 3
(d) 6

Answer is: (a) 0

Q.6: Which of the following is true about undirected graphs? Options are:

(a) One can come back and forth from one node to another using a single edge.
(b) One can only go forward from one node to another using a single edge.
(c) One can go to any node from one node using one edge.
(d) None of the above.

Answer is: (a) One can come back and forth from one node to another using a single edge.

Q.7: which of the following statements will choose a random node from graph A? Options are:

(a) random.choices(A)
(b) random.choices(A.nodes())
(c) random.choice(A.nodes())
(d) random.choice(A)

Answer is: (c) random.choice(A.nodes())

Q.8: which of the following is not true about collatz conjecture? Options are

(a) Bigger the number, larger the steps it would take to converge.
(b) The number of steps is independent of the number.
(c) Collatz conjecture will always converge.
(d) Collatz conjecture might or might not converge.

Answer is: (a) Bigger the number, larger the steps it would take to converge.
                   (c) Collatz conjecture will always converge.

Q.9: In collatz conjecture, if a number is even then what should be the next step? Options are:

(a) Divide it by 2
(b) Multiply it by 3
(c) Multiply it by 3 then add 1
(d) Divide it by 2 then add 1

Answer is: (a) Divide it by 2

Q.10: The collatz conversion of 10 looks like. Options are:

(a) 10 5 16 8 4 2 1
(b) 10 22 11 8 4 2 1
(c) 10 5 16 8 4 2
(d) None of the above

Answer is: (a) 10 5 16 8 4 2 1

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